Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Homeschool is going good, so far! :)

Homeschooling Zach through CHEP has been going good, so far! Zach and I are both enjoying it; it's nice to have different materials, for once, with lots of variety! We've been doing unit studies, studying the letter A. I found out yesterday that Zach knows how to read simple words, so I went to the library and borrowed some easy readers for him to read. I took lots of pictures both yesterday and today.

Our days have been pretty full. Today, after breakfast, we went and dropped Vincent off at the skatepark. Then, Zach, Kenny and I went to Michael's to buy some gifts for Amber's birthday. Then, as a treat (since I gave Vincent money for Taco Bell), I bought Kenny and Zach lunch at Taco Bell and a Double Double, Animal Style, Protein Style for myself from In & Out. After lunch, I taught Zach and then Kenny and I took Zach to his Karate class. After his class, we went to Farmer's Market, where we bought some organic apples, peaches, strawberries and ears of corn. Then, we came home and I fixed dinner. It was a busy, but very fun day!

I will post some pictures soon!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Zach's Summer School through CHEP - First day is tomorrow!!

Tomorrow will be my first day officially homeschooling Zach through an accredited school. Up until now, I've been teaching him at home on a Preschool level with materials that I've thrown together myself (nothing fancy, just workbooks, art books, coloring books, story books, etc.). I've been teaching him since January of this year, I believe, and he's learned a lot! He already knew a lot from what his brothers taught him, but he learned even more from what I've been teaching him. He knows the alphabet, how to count to 100, how to add simple numbers, how to spell certain words, how to read certain words, his colors, how to write A-Z, how to do a maze, how to do shape patterns, etc.

CHEP (Community Home Education Program) has provided a bunch of things to do and I need to somehow make a schedule for him and I. I wish I would have remembered to do this sooner. Ah well, I'm not gonna stress. There are 5 subjects, including PE/Fine Arts, so maybe I'll do like two subjects a day and PE 2-3 times a week. I also need to incorporate some field trips.

The 5 subjects are Reading/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and PE/Fine Arts. I am trying to figure out how long the summer session is, but I'm having trouble. The CHEP website isn't very good, which is frustrating!! I guess I'll have to call the CHEP North site tomorrow to ask them what the exact dates of the summer session are.